
lvsfunc is a Python package for VapourSynth <http://www.vapoursynth.com/>_ scripting. It contains a multitude of useful functions for video filtering, VapourSynth-script developing, and image processing.


lvsfunc requires the following programs:

Usage Instructions

  1. Install the prequisites

  2. Install lvsfunc through pip

pip3 install lvsfunc --no-cache-dir -U
  1. Install additional dependencies via vsrepo or manual installation

  2. Open your VapourSynth script and import lvsfunc

import vapoursynth as vs
import lvsfunc as lvf

core = vs.core
  1. Call functions as necessary

src = lvf.misc.source("C:/PATH/TO/VIDEO.mkv")


lvsfunc offers basic support to help install most of the required external filters. Simply run the following command in your terminal: python3 -m lvsfunc

If you encounter any issues during this process, double-check you have installed all the required prequisites.


If you have trouble calling lvsfunc functions, double-check that you’re not loading in the old _lvsfunc.py_! If you are, delete it from your site-packages and it should work properly.