
lvsfunc exposes a couple of custom exceptions that are used internally. These are generally generic enough to allow other maintainers to make use of them as well.

exception lvsfunc.exceptions.ClipsAndNamedClipsError(function, message="{func}: 'Positional clips and named keyword clips cannot both be given!")

Bases: ValueError

Raised when both positional clips and named clips are given.

exception lvsfunc.exceptions.CompareSameKernelError(function, kernel, message="{func}: 'You may not compare {kernel} with itself!'")

Bases: ValueError

Raised when two of the same kernels are compared to each other.

exception lvsfunc.exceptions.FramePropError(function, frameprop, message='{func}: \\'Error while trying to get frameprop "{frameprop}"!\\'')

Bases: ValueError

Raised when there is an error with the frameprops.

exception lvsfunc.exceptions.InvalidFormatError(function, message="{func}: 'Input clip must be of a YUV format!'")

Bases: ValueError

Raised when the given clip uses an invalid format.

exception lvsfunc.exceptions.InvalidFramerateError(function, clip, message="{func}: '{fps} clips are not allowed!'")

Bases: ValueError

Raised when the given clip has an invalid framerate.

exception lvsfunc.exceptions.NotEqualFormatsError(function, message="{func}: 'The format of both clips must be equal!'")

Bases: ValueError

Raised when clips with different formats are given.

exception lvsfunc.exceptions.TopFieldFirstError(function, message="{func}: 'You must set `tff` for this clip!'")

Bases: ValueError

Raised when the user must pass a TFF argument.

exception lvsfunc.exceptions.VariableFormatError(function, message="{func}: 'Variable-format clips not supported!'")

Bases: ValueError

Raised when clip is of a variable format.

exception lvsfunc.exceptions.VariableResolutionError(function, message="{func}: 'Variable-resolution clips not supported!'")

Bases: ValueError

Raised when clip is of a variable resolution.