lvsfunc documentation


lvsfunc, a collection of VapourSynth functions and wrappers written and/or modified by LightArrowsEXE.

If you spot any issues, please do not hesitate to send in a Pull Request or reach out to me on Discord (LightArrowsEXE#0476)!


lvsfunc depends on the following third-party scripts:

The following Vapoursynth libraries are also required for full functionality:

This list is non-exhaustive, as dependencies may have their own dependencies. An attempt has been made to document major dependencies on a per-function basis. Unfortunately, *func family modules have complex dependency graphs and documenting them is beyond the scope of this module.



Functions for various anti-aliasing functions and wrappers.


Functions intended to be used to make comparisons between different sources or to be used to analyze something from a single clip.


Functions to help with deinterlacing or deinterlaced content.


Wrappers and masks for denoising.


Kernels for vapoursynth internal resizers.


Miscellaneous functions and wrappers that didn’t really have a place in any other submodules.


Functions for (de)scaling.


Helper functions for the main functions in the script.


lvsfunc.aa.nneedi3_clamp(clip[, strength, …])

A function that clamps eedi3 to nnedi3 for the purpose of reducing eedi3 artifacts.

lvsfunc.aa.transpose_aa(clip[, eedi3, rep])

Function that performs anti-aliasing over a clip by using nnedi3/eedi3 and transposing multiple times.

lvsfunc.aa.upscaled_sraa(clip[, rfactor, …])

A function that performs an upscaled single-rate AA to deal with heavy aliasing and broken-up lineart., clip_b[, …])

Allows for the same frames from two different clips to be compared by interleaving them into a single clip.

lvsfunc.comparison.interleave(*clips, …)

Small convenience function for interleaving clips.

lvsfunc.comparison.split(*clips, **namedclips)

Small convenience funciton for splitting clips along the x-axis and then stacking.

lvsfunc.comparison.stack_compare(*clips[, …])

A simple wrapper that allows you to compare two clips by stacking them.

lvsfunc.comparison.stack_horizontal(*clips, …)

Small convenience function for stacking clips horizontally.

lvsfunc.comparison.stack_planes(clip[, …])

Stacks the planes of a clip.

lvsfunc.comparison.stack_vertical(*clips, …)

Small convenience function for stacking clips vertically.

lvsfunc.comparison.tile(*clips, **namedclips)

Small convenience function for tiling clips in a rectangular pattern.

lvsfunc.comparison.tvbd_diff(tv, bd[, thr, …])

Creates a standard lvsfunc.comparison.Stack between frames from two clips that have differences.

lvsfunc.deinterlace.deblend(clip[, rep])

A simple function to fix deblending for interlaced video with an AABBA blending pattern, where A is a normal frame and B is a blended frame.

lvsfunc.deinterlace.decomb(clip, TFF[, …])

Does some aggressive filtering to get rid of the combing on a interlaced/telecined source.

lvsfunc.deinterlace.dir_deshimmer(clip[, …])

Directional deshimmering function.

lvsfunc.deinterlace.dir_unsharp(clip[, …])

Diff’d directional unsharpening function.


A wrapper to create a luma mask for denoising and/or debanding.


A wrapper for creating a detail mask to be used during denoising and/or debanding.

lvsfunc.denoise.quick_denoise(clip[, ref, …])

This wrapper is used to denoise both the luma and chroma using various denoisers of your choosing.

lvsfunc.misc.allow_variable([width, height, …])

Decorator allowing a variable-res and/or variable-format clip to be passed to a function that otherwise would not be able to accept it.


Decorator allowing injection of reference chroma into a function which would normally only receive luma, such as an upscaler passed to lvsfunc.scale.descale().

lvsfunc.misc.colored_clips(amount[, …])

Returns a list of BlankClips with unique colors in sequential or random order.

lvsfunc.misc.edgefixer(clip[, left, right, …])

A wrapper for ContinuityFixer (

lvsfunc.misc.fix_cr_tint(clip[, value])

Tries to forcibly fix Crunchyroll’s green tint by adding pixel values.

lvsfunc.misc.frames_since_bookmark(clip, …)

Displays frames since last bookmark to create easily reusable scenefiltering.

lvsfunc.misc.limit_dark(clip, filtered[, …])

Replaces frames in a clip with a filtered clip when the frame’s darkness exceeds the threshold.


VSEdit bookmark loader.

lvsfunc.misc.replace_ranges(clip_a, clip_b, …)

A replacement for ReplaceFramesSimple that uses ints and tuples rather than a string.

lvsfunc.misc.source(file[, ref, …])

Generic clip import function.

lvsfunc.misc.wipe_row(clip[, secondary, …])

Simple function to wipe a row with a blank clip.

lvsfunc.scale.descale(clip[, upscaler, …])

A unified descaling function.


Generate a detail mask given a clip and a clip rescaled with the same kernel.


A quick ‘n easy wrapper used to re-upscale a clip descaled with descale using znedi3.

lvsfunc.scale.test_descale(clip[, width, …])

Generic function to test descales with; descales and reupscales a given clip, allowing you to compare the two easily.


Returns rgvs.RemoveGrain if the clip is 16 bit or lower, else rgsf.RemoveGrain.


Returns rgvs.Repair if the clip is 16 bit or lower, else rgsf.Repair.

lvsfunc.util.quick_resample(clip, function)

A function to quickly resample to 16/8 bit and back to the original depth.


lvsfunc.aa.nneedi3_clamp(clip[, strength, …])

A function that clamps eedi3 to nnedi3 for the purpose of reducing eedi3 artifacts.

lvsfunc.aa.transpose_aa(clip[, eedi3, rep])

Function that performs anti-aliasing over a clip by using nnedi3/eedi3 and transposing multiple times.

lvsfunc.aa.upscaled_sraa(clip[, rfactor, …])

A function that performs an upscaled single-rate AA to deal with heavy aliasing and broken-up lineart.

Functions for various anti-aliasing functions and wrappers.

lvsfunc.aa.nneedi3_clamp(clip, strength=1, mask=None, ret_mask=False, show_mask=False, opencl=False)

A function that clamps eedi3 to nnedi3 for the purpose of reducing eedi3 artifacts. This should fix every issue created by eedi3. For example:

Original function written by Zastin, modified by LightArrowsEXE.


  • kagefunc (optional: retinex edgemask)

  • vapoursynth-retinex (optional: retinex edgemask)

  • vapoursynth-tcanny (optional: retinex edgemask)

  • vapoursynth-eedi3

  • vapoursynth-nnedi3 or znedi3

  • vapoursynth-nnedi3cl (optional: opencl)

  • vsTAAmbk

  • clip (VideoNode) – Input clip

  • strength (int) – Set threshold strength (Default: 1)

  • mask (Optional[VideoNode]) – Clip to use for custom mask (Default: None)

  • ret_mask (bool) – Replace default mask with a retinex edgemask (Default: False)

  • show_mask (bool) – Return mask instead of clip (Default: False)

  • opencl (bool) – OpenCL acceleration (Default: False)

Return type



Antialiased clip

lvsfunc.aa.transpose_aa(clip, eedi3=False, rep=13)

Function that performs anti-aliasing over a clip by using nnedi3/eedi3 and transposing multiple times. This results in overall stronger anti-aliasing. Useful for shows like Yuru Camp with bad lineart problems.

Original function written by Zastin, modified by LightArrowsEXE.

Dependencies: rgsf (optional: 32 bit clip), vapoursynth-eedi3, vapoursynth-nnedi3, znedi3

  • clip (VideoNode) – Input clip

  • eedi3 (bool) – Use eedi3 for the interpolation (Default: False)

  • rep (int) – Repair mode. Pass it 0 to not repair (Default: 13)

Return type



Antialiased clip

lvsfunc.aa.upscaled_sraa(clip, rfactor=1.5, rep=None, width=None, height=None, downscaler=vapoursynth.core.resize.Spline36, **eedi3_args)

A function that performs an upscaled single-rate AA to deal with heavy aliasing and broken-up lineart. Useful for Web rips, where the source quality is not good enough to descale, but you still want to deal with some bad aliasing and lineart.

Original function written by Zastin, heavily modified by LightArrowsEXE.

Alias for this function is lvsfunc.sraa.

Dependencies: fmtconv, rgsf (optional: 32 bit clip), vapoursynth-eedi3, vapoursynth-nnedi3

  • clip (VideoNode) – Input clip

  • rfactor (float) – Image enlargement factor. 1.3..2 makes it comparable in strength to vsTAAmbk It is not recommended to go below 1.3 (Default: 1.5)

  • rep (Optional[int]) – Repair mode (Default: None)

  • width (Optional[int]) – Target resolution width. If None, determine from height

  • height (Optional[int]) – Target resolution height (Default: clip.height)

  • downscaler (Callable[[VideoNode, int, int], VideoNode]) – Resizer used to downscale the AA’d clip

  • kwargs – Arguments passed to znedi3 (Default: alpha=0.2, beta=0.6, gamma=40, nrad=2, mdis=20)

Return type



Antialiased and optionally rescaled clip

lvsfunc.comparison, clip_b[, …])

Allows for the same frames from two different clips to be compared by interleaving them into a single clip.

lvsfunc.comparison.interleave(*clips, …)

Small convenience function for interleaving clips.

lvsfunc.comparison.split(*clips, **namedclips)

Small convenience funciton for splitting clips along the x-axis and then stacking.

lvsfunc.comparison.stack_compare(*clips[, …])

A simple wrapper that allows you to compare two clips by stacking them.

lvsfunc.comparison.stack_horizontal(*clips, …)

Small convenience function for stacking clips horizontally.

lvsfunc.comparison.stack_planes(clip[, …])

Stacks the planes of a clip.

lvsfunc.comparison.stack_vertical(*clips, …)

Small convenience function for stacking clips vertically.

lvsfunc.comparison.tile(*clips, **namedclips)

Small convenience function for tiling clips in a rectangular pattern.

lvsfunc.comparison.tvbd_diff(tv, bd[, thr, …])

Creates a standard lvsfunc.comparison.Stack between frames from two clips that have differences.

Functions intended to be used to make comparisons between different sources or to be used to analyze something from a single clip.

class lvsfunc.comparison.Comparer(clips, *, label_alignment=7)

Bases: abc.ABC

Base class for comparison functions.

  • clips (Union[Dict[str, VideoNode], Sequence[VideoNode]]) – A dict mapping names to clips or simply a sequence of clips in a tuple or a list. If given a dict, the names will be overlayed on the clips using VideoNode.text.Text. If given a simple sequence of clips, the label_alignment parameter will have no effect and the clips will not be labeled. The order of the clips in either a dict or a sequence will be kept in the comparison.

  • label_alignment (int) – An integer from 1-9, corresponding to the positions of the keys on a numpad. Only used if clips is a dict. Determines where to place clip name using VideoNode.text.Text (Default: 7)

property clip

Returns the comparison as a single VideoNode for further manipulation or attribute inspection.

comp_clip = Comparer(...).clip is the intended use in encoding scripts.

Return type


class lvsfunc.comparison.Direction

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Enum to simplify direction argument.

class lvsfunc.comparison.Interleave(clips, *, label_alignment=7)

Bases: lvsfunc.comparison.Comparer

From the VapourSynth documentation: Returns a clip with the frames from all clips interleaved. For example, Interleave(A=clip1, B=clip2) will return A.Frame 0, B.Frame 0, A.Frame 1, B.Frame 1, …

Acts as a convenience combination function of vapoursynth.core.text.Text and vapoursynth.core.std.Interleave.

  • clips (Union[Dict[str, VideoNode], Sequence[VideoNode]]) – A dict mapping names to clips or simply a sequence of clips in a tuple or a list. If given a dict, the names will be overlayed on the clips using VideoNode.text.Text. If given a simple sequence of clips, the label_alignment parameter will have no effect and the clips will not be labeled. The order of the clips in either a dict or a sequence will be kept in the comparison.

  • label_alignment (int) – An integer from 1-9, corresponding to the positions of the keys on a numpad. Only used if clips is a dict. Determines where to place clip name using VideoNode.text.Text (Default: 7)

class lvsfunc.comparison.Split(clips, *, direction=<Direction.HORIZONTAL: 0>, label_alignment=7)

Bases: lvsfunc.comparison.Stack

Split an unlimited amount of clips into one VideoNode with the same dimensions as the original clips. Handles odd-sized resolutions or resolutions that can’t be evenly split by the amount of clips specified.

The remaining pixel width/height (clip.dimension % number_of_clips) will be always given to the last clip specified. For example, five 104 x 200 clips will result in a ((20 x 200) * 4) + (24 x 200) horiztonal stack of clips.

  • clips (Union[Dict[str, VideoNode], Sequence[VideoNode]]) – A dict mapping names to clips or simply a sequence of clips in a tuple or a list. If given a dict, the names will be overlayed on the clips using VideoNode.text.Text. If given a simple sequence of clips, the label_alignment parameter will have no effect and the clips will not be labeled. The order of the clips in either a dict or a sequence will be kept in the comparison.

  • direction (Direction) – Determines the axis to split the clips on (Default: lvsfunc.comparison.Direction.HORIZONTAL)

  • label_alignment (int) – An integer from 1-9, corresponding to the positions of the keys on a numpad. Only used if clips is a dict. Determines where to place clip name using VideoNode.text.Text (Default: 7)

class lvsfunc.comparison.Stack(clips, *, direction=<Direction.HORIZONTAL: 0>, label_alignment=7)

Bases: lvsfunc.comparison.Comparer

Stacks clips horizontally or vertically.

Acts as a convenience combination function of vapoursynth.core.text.Text and either vapoursynth.core.std.StackHorizontal or vapoursynth.core.std.StackVertical.

  • clips (Union[Dict[str, VideoNode], Sequence[VideoNode]]) – A dict mapping names to clips or simply a sequence of clips in a tuple or a list. If given a dict, the names will be overlayed on the clips using VideoNode.text.Text. If given a simple sequence of clips, the label_alignment parameter will have no effect and the clips will not be labeled. The order of the clips in either a dict or a sequence will be kept in the comparison.

  • direction (Direction) – Direction of the stack (Default: lvsfunc.comparison.Direction.HORIZONTAL)

  • label_alignment (int) – An integer from 1-9, corresponding to the positions of the keys on a numpad. Only used if clips is a dict. Determines where to place clip name using VideoNode.text.Text (Default: 7)

class lvsfunc.comparison.Tile(clips, *, arrangement=None, label_alignment=7)

Bases: lvsfunc.comparison.Comparer

Tiles clips in a mosaic manner, filling rows first left-to-right, then stacking.

The arrangement of the clips can be specified with the arrangement parameter. Rows are specified as lists of ints inside of a larger list specifying the order of the rows. Think of this as a 2-dimensional array of 0s and 1s with 0 representing an empty slot and 1 representing the next clip in the sequence.

If arrangement is not specified, the function will attempt to fill a square with dimensions n x n where n is equivalent to math.ceil(math.sqrt(len(clips)). The bottom rows will be dropped if empty.

# For example, for 3 clips, the automatic arrangement becomes:
 [1, 1],
 [1, 0]

# For 10 clips, the automatic arrangement becomes:
 [1, 1, 1, 1],
 [1, 1, 1, 1],
 [1, 1, 0, 0]

# For custom arrangements, such as (for 4 clips):
 [0, 1, 0, 1],
 [0, 1]
# the rows will be auto-padded with 0's to be the same length.
  • clips (Union[Dict[str, VideoNode], Sequence[VideoNode]]) – A dict mapping names to clips or simply a sequence of clips in a tuple or a list. If given a dict, the names will be overlayed on the clips using VideoNode.text.Text. If given a simple sequence of clips, the label_alignment parameter will have no effect and the clips will not be labeled. The order of the clips in either a dict or a sequence will be kept in the comparison.

  • arrangement (Optional[List[List[int]]]) – 2-dimension array (list of lists) of 0s and 1s representing a list of rows of clips(1) or blank spaces(0) (Default: None)

  • label_alignment (int) – An integer from 1-9, corresponding to the positions of the keys on a numpad. Only used if clips is a dict. Determines where to place clip name using VideoNode.text.Text (Default: 7), clip_b, frames=None, rand_total=None, force_resample=True, print_frame=True, mismatch=False)

Allows for the same frames from two different clips to be compared by interleaving them into a single clip. Clips are automatically resampled to 8 bit YUV -> RGB24 to emulate how a monitor shows the frame. This can be disabled by setting force_resample to False.

Alias for this function is lvsfunc.comp.

Dependencies: mvsfunc

  • clip_a (VideoNode) – Clip to compare

  • clip_b (VideoNode) – Second clip to compare

  • frames (Optional[List[int]]) – List of frames to compare (Default: None)

  • rand_total (Optional[int]) – Number of random frames to pick (Default: None)

  • force_resample (bool) – Forcibly resamples the clip to RGB24 (Default: True)

  • print_frame (bool) – Print frame numbers (Default: True)

  • mismatch (bool) – Allow for clips with different formats and dimensions to be compared (Default: False)

Return type



Interleaved clip containing specified frames from clip_a and clip_b

lvsfunc.comparison.interleave(*clips, **namedclips)

Small convenience function for interleaving clips.

  • clips (VideoNode) – Clips for comparison (order is kept)

  • namedclips (VideoNode) – Keyword arguments of name=clip for all clips in the comparison. Clips will be labeled at the top left with their name.

Return type



An interleaved clip of all the clips/namedclips specified

lvsfunc.comparison.split(*clips, **namedclips)

Small convenience funciton for splitting clips along the x-axis and then stacking. Accounts for odd-resolution clips by giving overflow columns to the last clip specified. All clips must have the same dimensions (width and height).

  • clips (VideoNode) – Clips for comparison (order is kept left to right)

  • namedclips (VideoNode) – Keyword arguments of name=clip for all clips in the comparison. Clips will be labeled at the bottom with their name.

Return type



A clip with the same dimensions as any one of the input clips with all clips/namedclips represented as individual vertical slices.

lvsfunc.comparison.stack_compare(*clips, make_diff=True, height=288, warn=None)

A simple wrapper that allows you to compare two clips by stacking them.

Best to use when trying to match two sources frame-accurately. Alias for this function is lvsfunc.scomp.

  • clips (VideoNode) – Clips to compare

  • make_diff (bool) – Create and stack a diff (only works if two clips are given) (Default: True)

  • height (int) – Height in px to rescale clips to if make_diff is True (MakeDiff clip will be twice this resolution) (Default: 288)

  • warn (Optional[Any]) – Unused parameter kept for backward compatibility

Return type



Clip with clips stacked

lvsfunc.comparison.stack_horizontal(*clips, **namedclips)

Small convenience function for stacking clips horizontally.

  • clips (VideoNode) – Clips for comparison (order is kept left to right)

  • namedclips (VideoNode) – Keyword arguments of name=clip for all clips in the comparison. Clips will be labeled at the top left with their name.

Return type



A horizontal stack of the clips/namedclips

lvsfunc.comparison.stack_planes(clip, stack_vertical=False)

Stacks the planes of a clip. For 4:2:0 subsampled clips, the two half-sized planes will be stacked in the opposite direction specified (vertical by default), then stacked with the full-sized plane in the direction specified (horizontal by default).

  • clip (VideoNode) – Input clip (must be in YUV or RGB planar format)

  • stack_vertical (bool) – Stack the planes vertically (Default: False)

Return type



Clip with stacked planes

lvsfunc.comparison.stack_vertical(*clips, **namedclips)

Small convenience function for stacking clips vertically.

  • clips (VideoNode) – Clips for comparison (order is kept top to bottom)

  • namedclips (VideoNode) – Keyword arguments of name=clip for all clips in the comparison. Clips will be labeled at the top left with their name.

Return type



A vertical stack of the clips/namedclips

lvsfunc.comparison.tile(*clips, **namedclips)

Small convenience function for tiling clips in a rectangular pattern. All clips must have the same dimensions (width and height). If 3 clips are given, a 2x2 square with one blank slot will be returned. If 6 clips are given, a 3x2 rectangle will be returned.

  • clips (VideoNode) – Clips for comparison

  • namedclips (VideoNode) – Keyword arguments of name=clip for all clips in the comparison. Clips will be labeled at the top left with their name.

Return type



A clip with all input clips/namedclips automatically tiled most optimally into a rectangular arrrangement

lvsfunc.comparison.tvbd_diff(tv, bd, thr=72, height=288, return_array=False)

Creates a standard lvsfunc.comparison.Stack between frames from two clips that have differences. Useful for making comparisons between TV and BD encodes, as well as clean and hardsubbed sources.

There are two methods used here to find differences. If thr is below 1, PlaneStatsDiff is used to figure out the differences. Else, if thr is equal than or higher than 1, PlaneStatsMin/Max are used.

Recommended is PlaneStatsMin/Max, as those seem to catch more outrageous differences more easily and not return too many starved frames.

Note that this might catch artifacting as differences! Make sure you verify every frame with your own eyes!

Alias for this function is lvsfunc.diff.

  • tv (VideoNode) – TV clip

  • bd (VideoNode) – BD clip

  • thr (float) – Threshold, <= 1 uses PlaneStatsDiff, >1 uses Max/Min. Value must be below 128 (Default: 72)

  • height (int) – Height in px to downscale clips to if return_array is False (MakeDiff clip will be twice this resolution) (Default: 288)

  • return_array (bool) – Return frames as an interleaved comparison (using lvsfunc.comparison.Interleave) (Default: False)

Return type



Either an interleaved clip of the differences between the two clips or a stack of both input clips on top of MakeDiff clip


lvsfunc.deinterlace.deblend(clip[, rep])

A simple function to fix deblending for interlaced video with an AABBA blending pattern, where A is a normal frame and B is a blended frame.

lvsfunc.deinterlace.decomb(clip, TFF[, …])

Does some aggressive filtering to get rid of the combing on a interlaced/telecined source.

lvsfunc.deinterlace.dir_deshimmer(clip[, …])

Directional deshimmering function.

lvsfunc.deinterlace.dir_unsharp(clip[, …])

Diff’d directional unsharpening function.

Functions to help with deinterlacing or deinterlaced content.

lvsfunc.deinterlace.deblend(clip, rep=None)

A simple function to fix deblending for interlaced video with an AABBA blending pattern, where A is a normal frame and B is a blended frame.

Assuming there’s a constant pattern of frames (labeled A, B, C, CD, and DA in this function), blending can be fixed by calculating the C frame by getting halves of CD and DA, and using that to fix up CD. DA can then be dropped due to it being an interlaced frame.

However, doing this will result in some of the artifacting being added to the deblended frame. We can mitigate this by repairing the frame with the non-blended frame before it.

For more information, please refer to this blogpost by torchlight:

Dependencies: rgsf (optional: 32bit clip)

  • clip (VideoNode) – Input clip

  • rep (Optional[int]) – Repair mode for the deblended frames, no repair if None (Default: None)

Return type



Deblended clip

lvsfunc.deinterlace.decomb(clip, TFF, decimate=True, vinv=False, sharpen=False, dir='v', rep=None)

Does some aggressive filtering to get rid of the combing on a interlaced/telecined source. You can also allow it to decimate the clip, or keep it disabled if you wish to handle the decimating yourself. Enabling vinverse will result in more aggressive decombing at the cost of potential detail loss.

Function written by Midlifecrisis from the WEEB AUTISM server, and modified by LightArrowsEXE.

Dependencies: combmask, havsfunc (QTGMC), rgsf (optional: 32bit clip)

Deciphering havsfunc’s dependencies is left as an exercise for the user.

  • clip (VideoNode) – Input clip

  • TFF (bool) – Top-Field-First

  • decimate (bool) – Decimate the video after deinterlacing (Default: True)

  • vinv (bool) – Use vinverse to get rid of additional combing (Default: False)

  • sharpen (bool) – Unsharpen after deinterlacing (Default: False)

  • dir (str) – Directional vector. ‘v’ = Vertical, ‘h’ = Horizontal (Default: v)

  • rep (Optional[int]) – Repair mode for repairing the decombed clip using the original clip (Default: None)

Return type



Decombed clip

lvsfunc.deinterlace.dir_deshimmer(clip, TFF=True, dh=False, transpose=True, show_mask=False)

Directional deshimmering function.

Only works (in the few instances it does, anyway) for obvious horizontal and vertical shimmering. Odds of success are low. But if you’re desperate, it’s worth a shot.

Dependencies: vapoursynth-nnedi3

  • clip (VideoNode) – Input clip

  • TFF (bool) – Top Field First. Set to False if TFF doesn’t work (Default: True)

  • dh (bool) – Interpolate to double the height of given clip beforehand (Default: False)

  • transpose (bool) – Transpose the clip before attempting to deshimmer (Default: True)

  • show_mask (bool) – Show nnedi3’s mask (Default: False)

Return type



Deshimmered clip

lvsfunc.deinterlace.dir_unsharp(clip, strength=1.0, dir='v', h=3.4)

Diff’d directional unsharpening function. Performs one-dimensional sharpening as such: “Original + (Original - blurred) * Strength”

This particular function is recommended for SD content, specifically after deinterlacing.

Special thanks to thebombzen and kageru for writing the bulk of this.

Dependencies: knlmeanscl

  • clip (VideoNode) – Input clip

  • strength (float) – Amount to multiply blurred clip with original clip by (Default: 1.0)

  • dir (str) – Directional vector. ‘v’ = Vertical, ‘h’ = Horizontal (Default: v)

  • h (float) – Sigma for knlmeans, to prevent noise from getting sharpened (Default: 3.4)

Return type



Unsharpened clip



A wrapper to create a luma mask for denoising and/or debanding.


A wrapper for creating a detail mask to be used during denoising and/or debanding.

lvsfunc.denoise.quick_denoise(clip[, ref, …])

This wrapper is used to denoise both the luma and chroma using various denoisers of your choosing.

Wrappers and masks for denoising.


A wrapper to create a luma mask for denoising and/or debanding.

Function is curried to allow parameter tuning when passing to denoisers that allow you to pass your own mask.

Dependencies: adaptivegrain

  • clip – Input clip

  • luma_scaling – Luma scaling factor (Default: 8.0)


Luma mask


A wrapper for creating a detail mask to be used during denoising and/or debanding. The detail mask is created using debandshit’s rangemask, and is then merged with Prewitt to catch lines it may have missed.

Function is curried to allow parameter tuning when passing to denoisers that allow you to pass your own mask.

Dependencies: knlmeans (optional: pre_denoise), debandshit

  • clip – Input clip

  • pre_denoise – Denoise the clip before creating the mask (Default: False)

  • rad – The luma equivalent of gradfun3’s “mask” parameter

  • radc – The chroma equivalent of gradfun3’s “mask” parameter


Binarizing for the detail mask (Default: 0.05)


Binarizing for the edge mask (Default: 0.05)


Detail mask

lvsfunc.denoise.quick_denoise(clip, ref=None, cmode='knlm', sigma=2, **kwargs)

This wrapper is used to denoise both the luma and chroma using various denoisers of your choosing. If you wish to use just one denoiser, you’re probably better off using that specific filter rather than this wrapper.

A rewrite of my old ‘quick_denoise’. I still hate it, but whatever. This will probably be removed in a future commit.

BM3D is used for denoising the luma.

Special thanks to kageru for helping me out with some ideas and pointers.

Alias for this function is lvsfunc.qden.

Dependencies: havsfunc (optional: SMDegrain mode), mvsfunc

Deciphering havsfunc’s dependencies is left as an excercise for the user.

  • clip (VideoNode) – Input clip

  • cmode (str) – Chroma denoising modes: ‘knlm’ - Use knlmeans for denoising the chroma (Default), ‘tnlm’ - Use tnlmeans for denoising the chroma, ‘dft’ - Use dfttest for denoising the chroma (requires setting ‘sbsize’ in kwargs), ‘smd’ - Use SMDegrain for denoising the chroma,

  • sigma (float) – Denoising strength for BM3D (Default: 2)

  • ref (Optional[VideoNode]) – Optional reference clip to replace BM3D’s basic estimate

  • kwargs (Any) – Parameters passed to chroma denoiser

Return type



Denoised clip


Kernels for vapoursynth internal resizers. Intended for use by lvsfunc.scale functions.

class lvsfunc.kernels.Bicubic(b=0, c=0.5, **kwargs)

Bases: lvsfunc.kernels.Kernel

Built-in bicubic resizer.

  • b (float) – B-param for bicubic kernel

  • c (float) – C-param for bicubic kernel

descale(clip, width, height, shift=0, 0)
Return type


scale(clip, width, height, shift=0, 0)
Return type


class lvsfunc.kernels.Bilinear(**kwargs)

Bases: lvsfunc.kernels.Kernel

Built-in bilinear resizer.

descale(clip, width, height, shift=0, 0)
Return type


scale(clip, width, height, shift=0, 0)
Return type


class lvsfunc.kernels.Kernel(**kwargs)

Bases: abc.ABC

Abstract scaling kernel interface.

Additional kwargs supplied to constructor are passed only to the internal resizer, not the descale resizer.

abstract descale(clip, width, height, shift=0, 0)
Return type


abstract scale(clip, width, height, shift=0, 0)
Return type


class lvsfunc.kernels.Lanczos(taps=4, **kwargs)

Bases: lvsfunc.kernels.Kernel

Built-in lanczos resizer.


taps (int) – taps param for lanczos kernel

descale(clip, width, height, shift=0, 0)
Return type


scale(clip, width, height, shift=0, 0)
Return type


class lvsfunc.kernels.Spline16(**kwargs)

Bases: lvsfunc.kernels.Kernel

Built-in spline16 resizer.

descale(clip, width, height, shift=0, 0)
Return type


scale(clip, width, height, shift=0, 0)
Return type


class lvsfunc.kernels.Spline36(**kwargs)

Bases: lvsfunc.kernels.Kernel

Built-in spline36 resizer.

descale(clip, width, height, shift=0, 0)
Return type


scale(clip, width, height, shift=0, 0)
Return type


class lvsfunc.kernels.Spline64(**kwargs)

Bases: lvsfunc.kernels.Kernel

Built-in spline64 resizer.

descale(clip, width, height, shift=0, 0)
Return type


scale(clip, width, height, shift=0, 0)
Return type



lvsfunc.misc.allow_variable([width, height, …])

Decorator allowing a variable-res and/or variable-format clip to be passed to a function that otherwise would not be able to accept it.


Decorator allowing injection of reference chroma into a function which would normally only receive luma, such as an upscaler passed to lvsfunc.scale.descale().

lvsfunc.misc.colored_clips(amount[, …])

Returns a list of BlankClips with unique colors in sequential or random order.

lvsfunc.misc.edgefixer(clip[, left, right, …])

A wrapper for ContinuityFixer (

lvsfunc.misc.fix_cr_tint(clip[, value])

Tries to forcibly fix Crunchyroll’s green tint by adding pixel values.

lvsfunc.misc.frames_since_bookmark(clip, …)

Displays frames since last bookmark to create easily reusable scenefiltering.

lvsfunc.misc.limit_dark(clip, filtered[, …])

Replaces frames in a clip with a filtered clip when the frame’s darkness exceeds the threshold.


VSEdit bookmark loader.

lvsfunc.misc.replace_ranges(clip_a, clip_b, …)

A replacement for ReplaceFramesSimple that uses ints and tuples rather than a string.

lvsfunc.misc.source(file[, ref, …])

Generic clip import function.

lvsfunc.misc.wipe_row(clip[, secondary, …])

Simple function to wipe a row with a blank clip.

Miscellaneous functions and wrappers that didn’t really have a place in any other submodules.

lvsfunc.misc.allow_variable(width=None, height=None, format=None)

Decorator allowing a variable-res and/or variable-format clip to be passed to a function that otherwise would not be able to accept it. Implemented by FrameEvaling and resizing the clip to each frame. Does not work when the function needs to return a different format unless an output format is specified. As such, this decorator must be called as a function when used (e.g. @allow_variable() or @allow_variable(format=vs.GRAY16)). If the provided clip is variable format, no output format is required to be specified.

  • width (Optional[int]) – Output clip width

  • height (Optional[int]) – Output clip height

  • format (Optional[int]) – Output clip format

Return type

Callable[[Callable[…, VideoNode]], Callable[…, VideoNode]]


Function decorator for the given output format.


Decorator allowing injection of reference chroma into a function which would normally only receive luma, such as an upscaler passed to lvsfunc.scale.descale(). The chroma is resampled to the input clip’s width, height, and pixel format, shuffled to YUV444PX, then passed to the function. Luma is then extracted from the function result and returned. The first argument of the function is assumed to be the luma source. This works with variable resolution and may work with variable format, however the latter is wholly untested and likely a bad idea in every conceivable use case.


func (~F) – Function to call with injected chroma

Return type



Decorated function

lvsfunc.misc.colored_clips(amount, max_hue=300, rand=True, seed=None, **kwargs)

Returns a list of BlankClips with unique colors in sequential or random order. The colors will be evenly spaced by hue in the HSL colorspace.

Useful maybe for comparison functions or just for getting multiple uniquely colored BlankClips for testing purposes.

Will always return a pure red clip in the list as this is the RGB equivalent of the lowest HSL hue possible (0).

Written by Dave <>.

  • amount (int) – Number of ``vapoursynth.VideoNode``s to return

  • max_hue (int) – Maximum hue (0 < hue <= 360) in degrees to generate colors from (uses the HSL color model). Setting this higher than 315 will result in the clip colors looping back towards red and is not recommended for visually distinct colors. If the amount of clips is higher than the max_hue expect there to be identical or visually similar colored clips returned (Default: 300)

  • rand (bool) – Randomizes order of the returned list (Default: True)

  • seed (Union[bytearray, bytes, float, int, str, None]) – Bytes-like object passed to random.seed which allows for consistent randomized order of the resulting clips (Default: None)

  • kwargs (Any) – Arguments passed to vapoursynth.core.std.BlankClip (Default: keep=1)

Return type



List of uniquely colored clips in sequential or random order.

lvsfunc.misc.edgefixer(clip, left=None, right=None, top=None, bottom=None, radius=None, full_range=False)

A wrapper for ContinuityFixer (

Fixes the issues with over- and undershoot that it may create when fixing the edges, and adds what are in my opinion “more sane” ways of handling the parameters and given values.

…If possible, you should be using bbmod instead, though.

Alias for this function is lvsfunc.ef.

Dependencies: vs-continuityfixer

  • clip (VideoNode) – Input clip

  • left (Union[int, List[int], None]) – Number of pixels to fix on the left (Default: None)

  • right (Union[int, List[int], None]) – Number of pixels to fix on the right (Default: None)

  • top (Union[int, List[int], None]) – Number of pixels to fix on the top (Default: None)

  • bottom (Union[int, List[int], None]) – Number of pixels to fix on the bottom (Default: None)

  • radius (Optional[List[int]]) – Radius for edgefixing (Default: None)

  • full_range (bool) – Does not run the expression over the clip to fix over/undershoot (Default: False)

Return type



Clip with fixed edges

lvsfunc.misc.fix_cr_tint(clip, value=128)

Tries to forcibly fix Crunchyroll’s green tint by adding pixel values.

  • clip (VideoNode) – Input clip

  • value (int) – Value added to every pixel (Default: 128)

Return type



Clip with CR tint fixed

lvsfunc.misc.frames_since_bookmark(clip, bookmarks)

Displays frames since last bookmark to create easily reusable scenefiltering. Can be used in tandem with lvsfunc.misc.load_bookmarks() to import VSEdit bookmarks.

  • clip (VideoNode) – Input clip

  • bookmarks (List[int]) – A list of bookmarks

Return type



Clip with bookmarked frames

lvsfunc.misc.limit_dark(clip, filtered, threshold=0.25, threshold_range=None)

Replaces frames in a clip with a filtered clip when the frame’s darkness exceeds the threshold. This way you can run lighter (or heavier) filtering on scenes that are almost entirely dark.

There is one caveat, however: You can get scenes where every other frame is filtered rather than the entire scene. Please do take care to avoid that if possible.

  • clip (VideoNode) – Input clip

  • filtered (VideoNode) – Filtered clip

  • threshold (float) – Threshold for frame averages to be filtered (Default: 0.25)

  • threshold_range (Optional[int]) – Threshold for a range of frame averages to be filtered (Default: None)

Return type



Conditionally filtered clip


VSEdit bookmark loader.

load_bookmarks(os.path.basename(__file__)+”.bookmarks”) will load the VSEdit bookmarks for the current Vapoursynth script.


bookmark_path (str) – Path to bookmarks file

Return type



A list of bookmarked frames

lvsfunc.misc.replace_ranges(clip_a, clip_b, ranges)

A replacement for ReplaceFramesSimple that uses ints and tuples rather than a string. Frame ranges are inclusive.

Written by louis.

Alias for this function is lvsfunc.rfs.

  • clip_a (VideoNode) – Original clip

  • clip_b (VideoNode) – Replacement clip

  • ranges (List[Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]]) – Ranges to replace clip_a (original clip) with clip_b (replacement clip). Integer values in the list indicate single frames, Tuple values indicate inclusive ranges.

Return type



Clip with ranges from clip_a replaced with clip_b

lvsfunc.misc.source(file, ref=None, force_lsmas=False, mpls=False, mpls_playlist=0, mpls_angle=0)

Generic clip import function. Automatically determines if ffms2 or L-SMASH should be used to import a clip, but L-SMASH can be forced. It also automatically determines if an image has been imported. You can set its fps using ‘fpsnum’ and ‘fpsden’, or using a reference clip with ‘ref’.

Alias for this function is lvsfunc.src.


  • d2vsource (optional: d2v sources)

  • dgdecodenv (optional: dgi sources)

  • mvsfunc (optional: reference clip mode)

  • vapoursynth-readmpls (optional: mpls sources)

  • file (str) – Input file

  • ref (Optional[VideoNode]) – Use another clip as reference for the clip’s format, resolution, and framerate (Default: None)

  • force_lsmas (bool) – Force files to be imported with L-SMASH (Default: False)

  • mpls (bool) – Load in a mpls file (Default: False)

  • mpls_playlist (int) – Playlist number, which is the number in mpls file name (Default: 0)

  • mpls_angle (int) – Angle number to select in the mpls playlist (Default: 0)

Return type



Vapoursynth clip representing input file

lvsfunc.misc.wipe_row(clip, secondary=None, width=1, height=1, offset_x=0, offset_y=0, width2=None, height2=None, offset_x2=None, offset_y2=None, show_mask=False)

Simple function to wipe a row with a blank clip. You can also give it a different clip to replace a row with.

if width2, height2, etc. are given, it will merge the two masks.

Dependencies: kagefunc

  • clip (VideoNode) – Input clip

  • secondary (Optional[VideoNode]) – Clip to replace wiped rows with (Default: None)

  • width (int) – Width of row (Default: 1)

  • height (int) – Height of row (Default: 1)

  • offset_x (int) – X-offset of row (Default: 0)

  • offset_y (int) – Y-offset of row (Default: 0)

  • width2 (Optional[int]) – Width of row 2 (Default: None)

  • height2 (Optional[int]) – Height of row 2 (Default: None)

  • offset_x2 (Optional[int]) – X-offset of row 2 (Default: None)

  • offset_y2 (Optional[int]) – Y-offset of row 2 (Default: None)

Return type



Clip with rows wiped


lvsfunc.scale.descale(clip[, upscaler, …])

A unified descaling function.


Generate a detail mask given a clip and a clip rescaled with the same kernel.


A quick ‘n easy wrapper used to re-upscale a clip descaled with descale using znedi3.

lvsfunc.scale.test_descale(clip[, width, …])

Generic function to test descales with; descales and reupscales a given clip, allowing you to compare the two easily.

class lvsfunc.scale.Resolution

Bases: tuple

Tuple representing a resolution.





class lvsfunc.scale.ScaleAttempt

Bases: tuple

Tuple representing a descale attempt.


Descaled frame in native resolution.


Descaled frame reupscaled with the same kernel.


The native resolution.


The subtractive difference between the original and descaled frame.

Functions for (de)scaling.

lvsfunc.scale.descale(clip, upscaler=<function reupscale>, width=None, height=720, kernel=<lvsfunc.kernels.Bicubic object>, threshold=0.0, mask=<function descale_detail_mask>, src_left=0.0, src_top=0.0, show_mask=False)

A unified descaling function. Includes support for handling fractional resolutions (experimental), multiple resolutions, detail masking, and conditional scaling.

If you want to descale to a fractional resolution, set src_left and src_top and round up the target height.

If the source has multiple native resolutions, specify height as a list.

If you want to conditionally descale, specify a non-zero threshold.

Dependencies: vapoursynth-descale, znedi3

  • clip (VideoNode) – Clip to descale

  • upscaler (Optional[Callable[[VideoNode, int, int], VideoNode]]) – Callable function with signature upscaler(clip, width, height) -> vs.VideoNode to be used for reupscaling. Must be capable of handling variable res clips for multiple heights and conditional scaling. If a single height is given and upscaler is None, a constant resolution GRAY clip will be returned instead. Note that if upscaler is None, no upscaling will be performed and neither detail masking nor proper fractional descaling can be preformed. (Default: lvsfunc.scale.reupscale())

  • width (Union[int, List[int], None]) – Width to descale to (if None, auto-calculated)

  • height (Union[int, List[int]]) – Height(s) to descale to. List indicates multiple resolutions, the function will determine the best. (Default: 720)

  • kernel (Kernel) – Kernel used to descale (see lvsfunc.kernels.Kernel, (Default: kernels.Bicubic(b=0, c=1/2))

  • threshold (float) – Error threshold for conditional descaling (Default: 0.0, always descale)

  • mask (Optional[Callable[[VideoNode, VideoNode], VideoNode]]) – Function used to mask detail. If None, no masking. Function must accept a clip and a reupscaled clip and return a mask. (Default: lvsfunc.scale.detail_mask())

  • src_left (float) – Horizontal shifting for fractional resolutions (Default: 0.0)

  • src_top (float) – Vertical shifting for fractional resolutions (Default: 0.0)

  • show_mask (bool) – Return detail mask

Return type



Descaled and re-upscaled clip


Generate a detail mask given a clip and a clip rescaled with the same kernel.

Function is curried to allow parameter tuning when passing to lvsfunc.scale.descale()

  • clip – Original clip

  • rescaled_clip – Clip downscaled and reupscaled using the same kernel

  • threshold – Binarization threshold for mask (Default: 0.05)


Mask of lost detail


A quick ‘n easy wrapper used to re-upscale a clip descaled with descale using znedi3.

Function is curried to allow parameter tuning when passing to lvsfunc.scale.descale()

Stolen from Varde with some adjustments made.

Dependencies: znedi3

  • clip – Input clip

  • width – Upscale width. If None, determine from height assuming 16:9 aspect ratio (Default: None)

  • height – Upscale height (Default: 1080)

  • kernel – Kernel used to downscale the doubled clip (see lvsfunc.kernels.Kernel, Default: kernels.Bicubic(b=0, c=1/2))

  • kwargs – Arguments passed to znedi3 (Default: nsize=4, nns=4, qual=2, pscrn=2)


Reupscaled clip

lvsfunc.scale.test_descale(clip, width=None, height=720, kernel=<lvsfunc.kernels.Bicubic object>, show_error=True)

Generic function to test descales with; descales and reupscales a given clip, allowing you to compare the two easily. Also returns a lvsfunc.scale.ScaleAttempt with additional information.

When comparing, it is recommended to do atleast a 4x zoom using Nearest Neighbor. I also suggest using ‘compare’ (, as that will make comparing the output with the source clip a lot easier.

Some of this code was leveraged from DescaleAA found in fvsfunc.

Dependencies: vapoursynth-descale

  • clip (VideoNode) – Input clip

  • width (Optional[int]) – Target descale width. If None, determine from height

  • height (int) – Target descale height (Default: 720)

  • kernel (Kernel) – Kernel used to descale (see lvsfunc.kernels.Kernel, Default: kernels.Bicubic(b=0, c=1/2))

  • show_error (bool) – Render PlaneStatsDiff on the reupscaled frame (Default: True)

Return type

Tuple[VideoNode, ScaleAttempt]


A tuple containing a clip re-upscaled with the same kernel and a ScaleAttempt tuple.



Returns rgvs.RemoveGrain if the clip is 16 bit or lower, else rgsf.RemoveGrain.


Returns rgvs.Repair if the clip is 16 bit or lower, else rgsf.Repair.

lvsfunc.util.quick_resample(clip, function)

A function to quickly resample to 16/8 bit and back to the original depth.

Helper functions for the main functions in the script.

lvsfunc.util.get_prop(frame, key, t)

Gets gets FrameProp prop from frame frame with expected type t to satisfy the type checker.

  • frame (VideoFrame) – Frame containing props

  • key (str) – Prop to get

  • t (Type[~T]) – Type of prop

Return type





Returns rgvs.RemoveGrain if the clip is 16 bit or lower, else rgsf.RemoveGrain. This is done because rgvs doesn’t work with float, but rgsf does for whatever reason.

Dependencies: rgsf


clip (VideoNode) – Input clip

Return type

Callable[…, VideoNode]


Appropriate RemoveGrain function for input clip’s depth


Returns rgvs.Repair if the clip is 16 bit or lower, else rgsf.Repair. This is done because rgvs doesn’t work with float, but rgsf does for whatever reason.

Dependencies: rgsf


clip (VideoNode) – Input clip

Return type

Callable[…, VideoNode]


Appropriate repair function for input clip’s depth

lvsfunc.util.quick_resample(clip, function)

A function to quickly resample to 16/8 bit and back to the original depth. Useful for filters that only work in 16 bit or lower when you’re working in float.

  • clip (VideoNode) – Input clip

  • function (Callable[[VideoNode], VideoNode]) – Filter to run after resampling (accepts and returns clip)

Return type



Filtered clip in original depth

Special credits

A special thanks to every contributor that contributed to lvsfunc.

The list of contributors can be found here.